Sunday, December 13, 2009


i poached this clip like 3 or 4 years ago.....Back when the brick banks was skateable. I went there with hyphy joe to skate, but we arrived to this dude jumping off the i poached it.

red park ryders

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009


a new alarming trend in E-drugs tackling todays youth

Sunday, August 16, 2009

frat boi

mecca shirt, new era DC shoes cap, home page set to the famous stars and straps website, sports car poster....justin saggy butt gallegos

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jon Choi is SICK!!!!

Tiltmode Army's Bonus Round is out for sale and Jon Choi's skating is soooo sexy in the vid. Go purchase it for you viewing pleasure . Buy it here!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

new age skateboarding

Technology is rapidly changing the pace of lifestyles these days......i can even see it when i skate. One afternoon, I was at the sunnyvale skatepark and noticed a skater talking to himself. I observe closely and realize he has a bluetooth in his ear to talk on his phone. He's doing flyouts out of the bowl and talking to his bluetooth. As i look even closer, i notice he has TWO bluetooths, one in each ear. Amazing! ...... Welcome to the new millennium!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Carson Michael Lee

I never thought i would live without this man in my life...and now its been weeks since we've spoken. Although we may be geographically far apart, our hearts continue to beat in unison. I miss you carson, get off your labia and come out here, the weather is beautiful and the waters warm. SNK BRO!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

more miller

Stephen Miller

Stephen Miller will never let you down. Guaranteed good times with this jolly fellow, always down to let loose, knock back 7 cheeseburgers in a day and shred like you wouldn't believe. Oh ya...and his mom is a hellcat in bed!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

mini van

oh how i miss my clunky, gold, '92 mini van!

bikes are so HAWT!

bikes are so hot right as a flaming homo. its the new trend, and it sucks. these dudes think they're sooooo kewl. heres an example:


can someone tell me what meat mool means? i've never known. the mysterious salsberg....

Friday, April 24, 2009


I came home today and heard my roomates computer i go in there to check if he's home. He was not home, but to my surprise i found an espresso machine hooked up in his room. the mystery of sutherland continues.....

Thursday, April 16, 2009


don't be fooled..... the vipers bite is venomous

Monday, April 6, 2009

quynh le was once skinny!


I just came back from visiting Jon Choi and Stink at their new home in Portland......we skated a bit and filmed some hyphy footage from our lil digital cameras. Jon edited this video for you guys to enjoi.....

Friday, March 20, 2009

rice rocket

Mr. Chau is the 2nd person to jump the great wall of china.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

circle a

i was just on the Deluxe website and they had a posting about circle a boardshop.......check out the photo they posted of, bob?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fuck the Haters!

i came across this footage of Jerry Smythe on his own myspace page........i hope he made it himself too, i was stoked to come across this!
Jerry's Hits

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

to beanie or not to beanie?......that is the question

This is my friend Erik. He seems to have a beanie on his head at all times. i was starting to wonder about this.....does he take a shower with it on? does he bone chicks with his beanie on? does he ever wash his beanie? when the hell does he ever take that thing off? WELL.....I FOUND FOOTAGE OF HIM WITHOUT A BEANIE! i guess he did this commercial years ago and had to be paid not to wear his beanie.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

its been awhile.......for a new blog update

i'm in AZ right now with a few friends skating, and it was brought to my attention that i havent updated this site in months. To be honest with you, i kinda forgot about this........i just tried logging in and had to reset my password because i didnt know it anymore. well......after many months, this is a new post for you (if anyone actually still follows this stupid page). the following music video is dedicated to the many months of absents to this site.